The Rainbowz!

RoxiDog02, Heavenly4256, Hi66006, and TURTLEsayzRAWR hit up random servers in "The Girl and Boy Hangout!" Scaring people with our outrageously amazing outfits after our brofisting marrage.
Here are some pictures of our lovely attire. ::

                                RoxiDog02 & TURTLEsayzRAWR.
                  RoxiDog02, TURTLEsayzRAWR, Heavenly4256, Hi66006.
                        (Top row)-Heavenly4256 & RoxiDog02
                      (Bottom Row)- hi66006 & TURTLEsayzRAWR
                        (Top row)-Heavenly4256 & RoxiDog02
                       (Bottom Row)- hi66006 & TURTLEsayzRAWR
            We had a great time scaring children at 1/2 in the morning. c:

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